Team Culture

As the teams I work with have grown over the past 3 years, I find it important to set the right tone and expectations for new members of the team. I put together a Culture Deck which I review with anyone new as part of their onboarding process. Some companies have defined culture traits and…

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What Else?

This is quickly becoming my favorite phrase. My favorite sales manager and friend uses this all the time when speaking to customers and whenever we just catch up to vent with each other. At first it was a bit jarring, ‘What do you mean what else? I just complained for 15 minutes.’ But then I…

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3 Books I Gift to New Managers

As new faces get thrust into more senior roles within my relative space, I like to gift and recommend a few books that have impacted the way that I manage my day-to-day. Essentialism I was gifted this book in early 2018 during a particularly stressful and overwhelming period of work. Growing a small team, personally…

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Be a Bus Driver

Working in and building a high performing team in a startup environment comes with countless challenges and even more opportunities to seek out. I liken my role to that of a Bus Driver. It’s the job of anyone in ‘management’ (in quotes because depending on the situation, that term carries different meaning and connotations) to…

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Have an Opinion

I recently read the Steve Jobs biography. He was… quite the character. Relentless, ruthless, eccentric, and strong-willed are just a few words I think would fairly describe his life. But the biggest takeaway for me was how opinionated he was. In seemingly all aspects of his work and life, he held a very strong opinion/point…

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Drive to the Tangible

The “how” behind the “what” is usually what most consultants miss when working with customers.  When navigating a new or growing industry, being able to provide clarity or some semblance of operational know-how pushes your credibility beyond just a “Bob” to a trusted adviser. I consider this “driving to the tangible”. If I can’t touch,…

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Business Lessons from Gordon Ramsay

Chef, restaurateur, turn around king. Gordon Ramsay can do it all. How do I know? Well, my weekends were pretty light with Connie in Australia so I found myself binge watching Kitchen Nightmares and Hotel Hell. After about 30+ episodes over a few weeks, I noticed some common trends, pitfalls, and advice GR imparts on…

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So, how’s the new gig? pt. 1

I get this question a lot recently and I’ve started developing a talk track around it. I really appreciate the interest but I know most people are being polite so I don’t bore them with all the details. I’ll give you the short answer and in a later post give you the long answer where…

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I’m leaving Accenture to join a startup

Yes, the rumors I started are true. January 13th is my last day. Keep reading and I’ll tell you where I’m going, how I found this opportunity, why I’m leaving Accenture and how I made my decision. Where I’m going: I am joining a privacy management software startup in midtown Atlanta named OneTrust. OneTrust is…

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