I Quit My Job

For the longest time, I really resisted the idea of being an independent consultant. I was born to do more with my life. I have the pedigree to build a billion dollar business. Anything less would be settling. Settling for a lack of ambition. Settling for a lack of creativity. Just settling. There’s a full…

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The Laundry Indicator

And they just sit in the laundry basket getting wrinkled until I wear enough clothes to warrant a new load of wash. A lot of us go through ups and downs throughout the week, month, and year. It’s easy to tell when you’re flying high but difficult to tell when you are entering a funk…

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Stepping Off the Rocketship

It’s a weird feeling saying ‘I’m leaving OneTrust’, a place that has been something akin to home for me the past five years. In some aspects, it feels like only last month I wrote about leaving Accenture to join a startup that has something to do with data privacy (whatever that means). In other aspects,…

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Create Your Own Luck

I love this concept from Naval Ravikant and am actively working to move from 2.5/3 into spot 4. A lot of this comes from building a strong personal brand and being the go-to guy in your field. When you feel it’s time to expand out, you can bring that trusted relationship with you. What are…

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Learn How You Make Decisions

The past few months of remote work have really started to highlight to me how different leaders and thinkers make their decisions. Varying from speed and style to autonomy, I’ve learned a lot about how I personally like to make decisions and communicate them to the team. What I’ve found by observing other team members…

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Get Ready For The Year of the Entrepreneur (2021)

I am convinced 2021 is the year more companies than ever before will be launched and we have the pandemic and stay-at-home orders to thank for that. But let’s be clear, this wasn’t the governments plan all this. This is resourceful and hungry individuals who now have time to explore their strengths and interests. They…

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Team Culture

As the teams I work with have grown over the past 3 years, I find it important to set the right tone and expectations for new members of the team. I put together a Culture Deck which I review with anyone new as part of their onboarding process. Some companies have defined culture traits and…

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Be a Bus Driver

Working in and building a high performing team in a startup environment comes with countless challenges and even more opportunities to seek out. I liken my role to that of a Bus Driver. It’s the job of anyone in ‘management’ (in quotes because depending on the situation, that term carries different meaning and connotations) to…

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So, how’s the new gig? pt. 1

I get this question a lot recently and I’ve started developing a talk track around it. I really appreciate the interest but I know most people are being polite so I don’t bore them with all the details. I’ll give you the short answer and in a later post give you the long answer where…

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