Develop Your People

I don’t really know what I want to be when I grow up. I’m not the most technical nor the most social. I’m not the most athletic nor the most sedentary. But I enjoy helping people learn. Helping people grow. In my view, there are two types of learning: structured and unstructured. Structured being the classroom…

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Check out the story I’m featured in!

Check out the story I’m featured in! I contacted the Georgia State Signal, our student run campus paper, and asked them to look into a story.  I became fed up with the “career fairs” on campus and wanted my opinion to be voiced. After speaking with one of the editors at the paper they decided to…

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Surface Pro: A glimpse to the future

  As a late Christmas present I was gifted a Surface Pro 128 GB with a blue touch cover. Plagued with a rather suspicious launch, considered by many to be a ploy to drum up excitement, I was forced to wait for my chance to hand Microsoft my money until yesterday, Sunday February 24th – a…

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I think I need a full-time job that does not require me sitting in front a computer screen all day. It’s not that I don’t like my computer screen or jobs associated with sitting on my butt (or lack there of); I just think my life is consumed by a sea of screens. Screens of all shapes…

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