The Laundry Indicator

And they just sit in the laundry basket getting wrinkled until I wear enough clothes to warrant a new load of wash.

A lot of us go through ups and downs throughout the week, month, and year. It’s easy to tell when you’re flying high but difficult to tell when you are entering a funk or are mid-funk.

Until recently, I never had any markers or guide posts to look towards to see where I was mentally. Just floating through life unsure of where I was or even oblivious to the fact that I should check in with myself. And then I started noticing something and I now call it my Laundry Indicator.

When work is particularly tough or the little guy is fussier than desired or just because, I noticed that I start to let my laundry pile up. And when the wash is done, I can’t find the discipline to put it away. It gets put into the laundry basket next to the side of my bed and sits. Throughout the next week or two, outfits are cobbled together from the basket until it gradually empties into sets of mix matched socks.

And this is why I name it The Laundry Indicator. When I start living out of my laundry basket it’s a clue to myself that I should take a walk or watch a good movie and afterwards force myself to put up my laundry. It acts as a mental refresh. A break in the pattern to wake from.

No – there is no science to this. To be honest, I cheated off Brianne in chemistry in high school so I don’t know much about this stuff. But the simple act of pattern recognition has really helped me at least be aware of where I am mentally. And from there, I can take action to help myself.

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