3 Books I Gift to New Managers

As new faces get thrust into more senior roles within my relative space, I like to gift and recommend a few books that have impacted the way that I manage my day-to-day. Essentialism I was gifted this book in early 2018 during a particularly stressful and overwhelming period of work. Growing a small team, personally…

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2019 by the Numbers (and Photos)

2019 has been a good year to say the least. By the Numbers Delta Miles Flown: 68,769 (we flew United to Asia – shh don’t tell) Delta Segments: 66 US Cities Visited: Salt Lake City; Charlotte; Santa Clara; Newark; San Francisco; New Orleans; Pittsburgh; Dallas; Columbus; Washington DC; Chicago; West Hartford; New Haven; Charleston; Raleigh;…

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Be a Bus Driver

Working in and building a high performing team in a startup environment comes with countless challenges and even more opportunities to seek out. I liken my role to that of a Bus Driver. It’s the job of anyone in ‘management’ (in quotes because depending on the situation, that term carries different meaning and connotations) to…

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When the butterflies go away

That nervous feeling before a presentation or the moment right before calling your crush – these moments are when butterflies are in full effect. Butterflies mean you’re doing something new and scary. And usually these somethings mean you’re growing. Growing as a professional, growing as an individual, or just growing taller. So what does it…

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Have an Opinion

I recently read the Steve Jobs biography. He was… quite the character. Relentless, ruthless, eccentric, and strong-willed are just a few words I think would fairly describe his life. But the biggest takeaway for me was how opinionated he was. In seemingly all aspects of his work and life, he held a very strong opinion/point…

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Make Room for Thinking

I don’t know about you but I have the attention span of a goldfish if I’m not making a conscious effort. I spend a lot of time flipping through LinkedIn or Instagram on my phone. If you can work to remove the micro-distractions in your life you will start to feel a sense of space…

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Ouch, that hurt

Around March I started getting back into my fitness and personal health. Over the course of a year plus at a startup I lost about 10lbs and received results of a nutrition test which essentially said I was malnourished. A bit of an eye opener for me. I decided to take the 3 months Connie…

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Drive to the Tangible

The “how” behind the “what” is usually what most consultants miss when working with customers.  When navigating a new or growing industry, being able to provide clarity or some semblance of operational know-how pushes your credibility beyond just a “Bob” to a trusted adviser. I consider this “driving to the tangible”. If I can’t touch,…

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Business Lessons from Gordon Ramsay

Chef, restaurateur, turn around king. Gordon Ramsay can do it all. How do I know? Well, my weekends were pretty light with Connie in Australia so I found myself binge watching Kitchen Nightmares and Hotel Hell. After about 30+ episodes over a few weeks, I noticed some common trends, pitfalls, and advice GR imparts on…

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