I’m leaving Accenture to join a startup

Yes, the rumors I started are true. January 13th is my last day. Keep reading and I’ll tell you where I’m going, how I found this opportunity, why I’m leaving Accenture and how I made my decision. Where I’m going: I am joining a privacy management software startup in midtown Atlanta named OneTrust. OneTrust is…

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The Big 2-4

Gandhi once said, “You only turn 24 once, so throw a party.”* Sometime in early December I had an idea scratching at the back of my mind. I wanted to have a birthday party and invite all my friends but instead of bouncing between the different pockets of people I wanted something different. I wanted a theme…

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Am I A Startup Guy?

This time last year I was considering leaving Accenture to join a startup. A friend of mine was an early employee and felt I would be a good fit. Their mentality was hiring smart people vs. experienced in the field, a mentality I agree with. They had a functioning product, paying clients and just raised…

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