My Gallup StrengthsFinder Results

I took Gallup’s StrengthsFinder assessment a few months before I left Accenture. I started this blog post a year ago but never published it. It’s just a copy/paste of my results. I’m always skeptical about these type of assessments but I found the results to be startling accurate and eye opening. Enjoy. Executing Influencing Relationship…

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So, how’s the new gig? pt. 1

I get this question a lot recently and I’ve started developing a talk track around it. I really appreciate the interest but I know most people are being polite so I don’t bore them with all the details. I’ll give you the short answer and in a later post give you the long answer where…

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I’m leaving Accenture to join a startup

Yes, the rumors I started are true. January 13th is my last day. Keep reading and I’ll tell you where I’m going, how I found this opportunity, why I’m leaving Accenture and how I made my decision. Where I’m going: I am joining a privacy management software startup in midtown Atlanta named OneTrust. OneTrust is…

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Breaking Bread

I’m usually pretty flaky. I think most of us are. It’s just so dang hard to get off my couch and leave my cute dog to go outside in the cold rain to be social. My mom calls this the “lazy gene”. It’s plagued my brother and me since we were young. So in fear of spending…

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What I’m Reading

Here’s a quick list of books that are on my plate. Finished: Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin (affiliate link) Review: Seth is a god to some and I can see why. This is the first book I read of his and I really appreciate his point of view on life and business. Easy…

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What “Remind me” really says

“Remind me” is a phrase I tend to use at home, specifically when it comes to chores. It’s also a phrase I caught myself trying to use when I started exercising again. What you’re really saying is, “I don’t want to be held accountable”. It’s a way of passing off responsibility to others without appearing lazy….

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Dim sum naps are real

Especially on rainy days with a movie on in the background. Spending time with my wife’s family is always a treat, even if I don’t understand half of the conversation at the table. The food is still good and company is still fun. The food coma that comes follows is unavoidable but always appreciated. My favorites…

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Good Job

After a tough day or even tougher go-live sometimes all you need to hear is “good job”. Maybe it’s the millennial in me or a more basic human need to receive a bit of recognition but after a long few weeks and unnecessary stress those two words from a senior leader are really all the…

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No No No. Not In My House.

Wired and Forbes have started to shut readers out using ad block. They’ve taken the Dikembe Mutombo approach to ad free readers. Wired gave me 60 seconds of reading time before throwing a splash page in front of me asking to turn off my ad block or to pay $1/mo for an ad free reading…

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25. What an age. What an interesting cross-section of life. It’s really one of those ages where you can finally tell a story and need to a quote a year that it happened. “Oh it must have been 2002 or 2003 when I first saw Return of the Jedi.” Before 25 every story only happened “a…

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